Yep, you heard it correct...there are numerous health benefits linked to drinking a glass (or two) of champagne a day! Not that we needed more reasons to pop a bottle, but all these health benefits are too good not to share!
Many people know a bit about how wine has heath benefits, including that it lowers the risk of heart disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes, but bubbles offer even more bang for the bottle! It turns out all those tiny bubbles in the bottle do make a difference. Because Champagnes and Sparkling Wines (made in the traditional method) go through a secondary fermentation, there are numerous other perks that are attributed to this fact. Here are my top five favorite health benefits, but keep in mind there are loads more!
1. Skimp On Calories, Not On Indulging
If you’re looking for a little more balance in your diet, then bubbly is your best bet. A regular glass (about a 5-ounce pour) of dry bubbly contains around 100 calories, in comparison to red and white wine which generally contain between 120-125 calories. Brut, X-Brut and Brut Nature champagne or sparkling wines (which are what we curate with low dosage) are one of the lowest-calorie libations you can choose. Now keep in mind that sweeter style bubbles, such as Prosecco, are excluded in this because of the high sugar content. In addition, bubbles contain a lower percentage of alcohol (ranging between 10-12%) in comparison to red and white wines (ranging between 13-15%). Again, just adding to one of the reasons I think a glass of bubbles helps bring a little balance. Shop our low dosage bottles HERE.
2. More Heart, Less Attack
Put your flutes to work to help fight heart diseases. Many sparkling wines and champagnes are made from blends of both red and white grapes. Resveratrol - a powerful antioxidant that inhibits damage to your blood vessels and has the ability to reduce bad cholesterol and prevent blood clots - is found in high levels in both the Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier grapes of champagne.
3. Look Good While Drinking
Believe it or not, those bubbles can actually improve the look of your skin! The carbon dioxide (aka bubbles) in champagne is thought to help tighten your skin. In addition, these wines contain a polyphenol (a compound containing antioxidants derived from plants) that helps prevent redness in skin.
4. Bubbly Makes You Feel Lovely
When you’re just feeling a little extra grumpy, a little bubbly can brighten your mood. Champagne has been found to contain natural trace elements that may help improve your mood and increase dopamine levels when consumed in moderation. Wanna double up? Pair a glass of bubbly with some salmon (high in omega 3), which not only works deliciously as a pairing, but can further boost your mood!
5. Good For Your Noggin
It’s not a lie, drinking champagnes and sparkling wines can improve your memory, spacial awareness and overall brain health. Here’s why... phenolic acids contained in red wines possess all sorts of amazing properties. White wines are generally low in polyphenol content as compared to red wines, however, Champagne and sparkling wines have been shown to contain relatively high amounts of phenolic acids. Reading University* conducted a study back in 2013 that shows that drinking three glasses of champagne a week can help combat memory loss and protect your brain from diseases like Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Two common grapes used in Champagne (Pinot Meunier and Pinot Noir) which have high levels of phenolics help regulate signals in the hippocampus and cortex parts of the brain associated with memory. Additionally, the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry* published a study that found three phenolic acids from Champagne and Sparkling Wine – tyrosol, caffeic acid and gallic acid – can actually protect your brain against damages that free radicals can cause. Drink up friends! *(See Article Links Below)