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Where it All Began

How It All Began - The Story of We Drink Bubbles

The birth of We Drink Bubbles was a series of very specific and fortunate circumstances strung together by a common theme: my love for wine. It all started back in the year 2016, when my family packed up everything we owned and moved across the world to the tiny Italian village of Montone, Italy to escape the “rat race” of Southern California. After a few short weeks living abroad, two things were immediately apparent. First, the European’s fervor and excitement of living in the moment; and second, the surprising abundance of less-known, incredible (yet inexpensive) grower champagnes and sparkling wines. After fully embracing the Italian lifestyle and being spoiled with heaps of quality bubbles month after month, my obsession hit an all time high.

The following year, we were back in California, settling into Napa Valley’s hidden gem town of Calistoga, only to find ourselves surrounded by more like minded bubbles-lovers. I started noticing how the sound of a bottle popping could almost instantly change the mood in a room. I became infatuated by the ability bubbles had of transporting me back to the vineyards of Europe. I knew it needed to be part of my future. And it was here where the dream of We Drink Bubbles took root.

Fast-forward another 6 months, and we were settling back in Encinitas, CA and I decided to put my teaching career on hold and follow my new found passion of sourcing rare and boutique sparkling wines and champagnes from around the world. The idea and inspiration behind the Bubbles Club was to bring better quality, boutique champagnes and sparkling wines to bubbles lovers like myself. There are so many delicious clean-farmed bubbles out there in the world and with the stale selection of over-priced, mass-produced, label driven bubbles available in stores, I had to do something about it!

In addition to sharing all these incredible bubbles I am constantly discovering, the idea of creating a community of bubble-obsessed friends who I can drink with, share my passions with, and enjoy life together with continues to bring me so much joy. So join me on this exciting adventure in discovering all things bubbly!

Shiloh Caffrey
Owner & Founder

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